Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Glimpse at My Upcoming "Early Poems"

If Love Is
If love is, then,
A meeting
And a meaning,
Just one meaning,
One shared meaning,
Then listen gently
To the sound
Of its tender sigh,
Its soothing,
Wind sung note.

Do not look for words,
But the low
Plaintful moan
Of lovers’
Sweet release.

Drink it as I do
With no thought
Or after.

Nip the cool
Of hushed
Wet gasps
That echo
When lips meet
And mean
The warmth,
The oneness,
The fusion.

Excerpt from unpublished Early Poems
Artwork by Moira Marshall.  Many thanks. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Wedding Tribute

All I know of angels
I can see in your eyes.
The deep blue of heaven
Moves me like the sea.
Lifts me up with wings
Of unending possibility,
Into the depths of my soul.

Your love guides and protects me
Like a steadfast guardian,
Sentry at the threshold of my fear,
Banishing all potential harm
Allowing light and love to fill me,
Your golden glow surrounds me
Like a pocket of tender safety.

Your hands reach out to me
And reveal your sacred gift,
So simple and so elegant,
Merely all that I AM
And all that I can be,
Because you love me enough
To let your eyes lead the way.

And so my humble heart opens
And reaches for you in kind,
With an overwhelming desire
To move you completely,
To move you with me in tones,
In the rhythm that is ours
And ours alone.

Within that glorious rhythm
We connect to all creation,
Your angel wings enfold me,
Your gentle spirit infolds me,
And we become the divine creator
And all that is our good experience,
In truth, in love, in faith, through you.

--  Molly Brogan