Saturday, February 16, 2008

Personal Mythology Expressed in Dream

Callie said...
One of the things I like most about Remember Me is the dream diary. Does this have anything to do with shadow?

This is a great question, Callie. In Remember Me, Mary Margaret takes the wonderful first step necessary in understanding her dreams at a very early age. She begins a dream journal at the suggestion of her mother, who does not want to have to hear about them anymore. This is significant to the character because while it gives Mary Margaret a place to record and examine her dreams, she is also given the message that they are not worth attention. So, throughout her life, she records her dreams, but does little interpretation or integration of the dreaming process.

I see our sleep time as a time for our body-soul-spirit to relate in ways unfettered by conscious constructs. Vivid dreaming, creative dreaming, and dream analysis are all wonderful processes wherein our soul speaks to our mind and spirit in ways that allow our conscious, continual becoming. The spoken language here is symbols, devices by which ideas often too complex or highly charged to articulate in ordinary language are transmitted. Developing a personal mythology of dream symbols involves using a body of personal myths to form a system for organizing one's conception of reality and guiding day-to-day behavior. Mary Margaret’s soul was instructing her to examine shadow through her dreams, she did not understand because she never learns the language.

Writing the dream journal in Remember Me was like writing a novel within a novel. I began by establishing symbols that were related to Mary Margaret’s current age and daily events, but also her collective unconscious. I then developed the symbols in her dreams to speak to her of life unfolding – trying always to guide her into becoming through soul. It was one of my favorite parts of writing the book and you may see this device used again sometime in the future! Dreaming, and all it can offer us, is a true joy for me! Thanks for asking.


Anonymous said...

I like to look at my dreams. In my opinion, dreams are your subconscious speaking to you. Sometimes telling you how to solve problems in your life, sometimes just perhaps playing upon the emotions of events that are happening in your life. Sometimes even just relieving your subconscious mind of stress, happiness, etc.

I've never been able to control myself in any of my dreams, nor have I ever been able to wake myself up. I do sometimes speak in my dreams, and I do dream in color, as well as feel the emotions (which sometimes linger upon waking.) As well, sometimes when I upon waking from a dream, it somehow felt very close to reality.

I always try to look at the day before, or the week before, if anything similar happened in my life that seem to be similar to my dream. Then try to analyze it to better understand it.

Molly Brogan said...

Keeping a dream journal might help you with this, Nan. If you keep your writing pad and pen next to your bed, and train yourself to write the dreams immediately after waking, you may find yourself with some interesting things to ponder.

My favorite book on the subject is "Creative Dreaming" by Patricia Garfield. It has some wonderful information on developing dreaming abilities.

Have fun with it. Molly

Anonymous said...

Hey there..
I enjoyed readung this article, interesting!
Yes I believe dreams do play an important part on our lifes and physionomy..

Definetly, sleep time is a time for our body-soul-spirit to relate in ways unfettered by conscious!

It's not everyday I get to read such type of article, it's a good one, I like it! Keep going!

Best Wishes,
- Wakish -

Molly Brogan said...

Yes, I think that our dream life is where we are given guidance by our soul and spirit. How? Unconsciously, we each develop a system of symbols that not only relate to who we are as a person, but our potential for becoming and our connection to all life. In dream, these symbols are used as a language to speak to us of the calling of soul and spirit. "Pssssst...this way...look at this." Or "hey, over here, this way..."