Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our Own Wonderful Infinite Nature

Blogger Ronald D. Isom said...

Great response to the question! The Goethe quotation is outstanding. Artist absorb what they see, hear, taste etc. and it emerges as new thoughts and idea. We must continue to absorb the world around us and keep the internal silo filled with fodder for new idea and creative thought.

Thank you, Ronald. Your artwork is an excellent example of just that. For any of you who have not seen his artwork, I heartily recommend checking out Ronald's blog through the link on his name. Like Dr. Carl Jung before him, Ronald has given life to the symbols of his unconsciousness and mapped the archetypes of his soul in his marvelous artwork. In Jung's memoirs, he recounts the three years that he spent documenting and categorizing the symbols of his dreams and fantasies, leading to his theories of the unconscious and archetype.

I know that developing this kind of intimacy with my own infinite nature allows me a clear path to my creativity. I am most inspired when I allow spirit to speak to me in this way, and all ways.

Artwork by Paul Klee


Anonymous said...

Thank for using my comment and providing a link to my work.

Your use of the Klee image is very appropriate. Klee tried to link abstract symbols to natural processes. He used symbol systems like graphs, diagrams and cartoons as “fodder for his art.

Anonymous said...

Hello Molly-

Thank you for your "notes." I just read this one, Our Own Wonderful Infinite Nature, and wanted to acknowledge that moment of pleasure.

Sioban said...

This is an interesting post. In your books, do you connect beauty and inspiration?