Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Discussion on words creating emotion in terms of Neville Goddard's "awakened imagination"

Shirley said...
Hi Molly, I have read A Blaze of Light and must say I could not read more then 4 or 5 poems at a time. They are so thought provoking for me and also bring up HUGE emotions. I need time to think about what you are really saying and must tell you I admire your honesty and your ability to put those thoughts into words. I will come back to your book many times I am sure--You make it OK to feel all of those different levels of life and have a great talent in putting the words to convey the story together .Shirley

Hi Shirley,
I'm VERY happy you like the poems. Thanks so much for your comments. I thought that your insights would be a good way to begin a new discussion, so I posted them here with my response. The notion that poetry invokes emotional response is an important one. If indeed, we create reality with thought delivered through spirit by feeling, emotion plays an important role. As a writer, it is a challenge to convey my experience of the most subtle levels of life. Some would say those levels are beyond words. I don't agree with that idea.

I think that if the words (through logos) can deliver an image and emotion to the reader, imagination can transport them to the realm of spirit. Once comfortable here, the imagination of the reader can awaken. This is the ultimate allure of art, to lead us to what Neville would call, our "awakened imagination," where we become the creators. We are inspired, after allowing ourselves to fully experience the beauty of a poem or story or work of art, to become more than who we are in the moment. We are inspired to create in our own lives. We are moved to create emotions and ideas and relationships and objects of beauty.

The poems in A Blaze of Light all speak to the nuances of relationship. Robert A. Johnson wrote a series of books in the 1980s to "provide an understanding of romantic love" called We, He and She. In his book We, he says, "we see with greater clarity how we have mixed our spiritual aspiration - our urge toward the divine - with our human relationships. This is the secret knowledge that is hidden behind the mystery of romantic love: how to live with and honor both of these powerful energies, which we have mixed together so deliciously and yet so dangerously in the wine of love."

Words of love are the quickest way to sweep us away in spirit and allow us to commune with creation. We all have experience in love, we can all relate on many levels of our being.

Thanks again for sharing, Molly Brogan.


Anonymous said...

I like what you've said here so much, I ordered the book online. I'm not much for poetry, but like your idea that thoughts and feelings create our reality. It is all about the attitude, isn't it?

Molly Brogan said...

Yes, Patti! Our attititudes are our filters through which we see and feel the world. They are a matrix of our joy and pain, our love and fear. They make it possible for each of us to have our own experience of the same events. Discovering, owning and creating them is one of our biggest life challenges. Best of luck with yours, it seems you are already well on your way. Congratulations! Sincerely, Molly

Anonymous said...

I like Gregg Braden's formula that thought and feeling creates prayer (not reality.) Your idea doesn't seem to leave room for God's will.

Molly Brogan said...

Hi Ken, You're right, of course. Divine Will is the integral aspect to our human experience. Most religions recognize a power greater than us. Consider, for a moment, the God in us as the source of all creation. Then we would create our reality not by what we DO, but by what we recognize, respect or allow as divine will move through us. Divine will is the God in us in motion. If we can position ourselves to live life like this, another of Gregg Braden's presentations comes into play: The Seven Mirrors in the Essene Mystery of Relationship. These mirrors are: 1)who we are in the moment; 2)What we judge in the moment; 3)what has been lost, given away or taken away; 4)our most forgotten love; 5)our relationship with God; 6)our dark night of the soul; 7)our perfection. According to this belief, our experience becomes a vibrational mirror that reflects one or some combination of mirrored patterns in others. Recognizing the wisdom of the mirror accelerates our evolution of emotion and understanding. God speaks to us and guides us through the universal law of vibration and our experience unfolds according to divine will. Many thanks for your post. Molly Brogan